
How to Appear as a Delegation at a Board or Committee Meeting

The OCDSB welcomes individuals or groups to express their concerns, provide comments or ask questions regarding items on the agenda or on matters relevant to the mandate of the Board or Committee. Delegations are open to parents/guardians/caregivers, students, staff and volunteers and residents of the City of Ottawa. 

Persons wishing to delegate in either or an oral or written format must complete the online delegation registration form.

All delegations are subject to the approval of the Chair and are scheduled according to the subject matter.

For detailed information regarding delegations to the Board, please refer to section 11 of the OCDSB By-laws and Standing Rules.

Managing Delegations

To ensure the Board is able to complete the business on the agenda, a maximum of 20 minutes per meeting is allotted for delegations. If necessary, the Chair of the meeting may alter the time or order of delegations, and/or limit the number of delegations or number of questions asked of a delegation. 

Please note that submitting a delegation form does not guarantee the approval of your request to speak at a meeting.

Participation is available in person or remotely. 

Board and Committee Meeting Days

  • On the Board or Committee meeting day, delegations attending the meeting in person are requested to sign in at the table in the foyer, at the Administrations Building located at 133 Greenbank Road, Nepean Ontario, to confirm their attendance at the meeting.
  • Delegations attending electronically will receive an electronic meeting invitation and will be required to sign in prior to the start of the meeting. Please ensure that your screen name reflects the name used on the delegation request form. 
  • When called upon by the Chair of the Board or Committee Chair, delegations appearing in person before the Board or Committee shall proceed to the podium in the Board Room.
  • Delegates are expected to conduct themselves in a respectful and constructive manner, and consistent with the principles of the OCDSB Code of Conduct and Human Rights Policy and the Ontario Human Rights Code. Delegates may voice concerns but must not:
    • Promote hate, harassment, or violate OCDSB Policies and Procedures;
    • Use offensive, obscene, or defamatory language, gestures, or images;
    • Use negative or derogatory personal references;
    • Misuse personal information related to OCDSB students, staff, or Trustees;
    • Discuss topics outside of their intended delegation;
    • Discuss matters related to litigation or potential litigation or any matter which is currently before any court or administrative tribunal affecting the OCDSB; or
    • Engage in debate with other delegates, staff, or Trustees.
  • After a delegation has completed their presentation, Members of the Board or Committee shall have the opportunity to ask questions of the delegation for clarification purposes only, without debate.

More Information

If you have questions or would like to appear as a delegation, please review the delegations section of the OCDSB By-laws and Standing Rules and/or contact Darren Gatley, General Manager, Governance Services at 613-596-8211 extension 8643.

Contact Us

  • Darren Gatley

    General Manager, Governance Services

    613-596-8211 ext 8643
    133 Greenbank Road, Ottawa ON, K2H 6L3

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