French as a Second Language

At OCDSB all programs in French as a second language curriculum at the secondary levels share a common vision, as follows:


'Students will be able to communicate and interact with growing confidence in French, one of Canada's official languages, while developing the knowledge, skills, and perspectives they need to participate fully as citizens in Canada and in the world


In all French as a second language programs, students realize the vision of the FSL curriculum as they strive to:
  • use French to communicate and interact effectively in a variety of social settings;
  • learn about Canada, its two official languages, and other cultures;
  • appreciate and acknowledge the interconnectedness and interdependence of the global community;
  • be responsible for their own learning, as they work independently and in groups;
  • use effective language learning strategies;
  • become lifelong language learners for personal growth and for active participation as world citizens.

In order to achieve the goals of the elementary and secondary FSL curriculum, students need to:

  • acquire a strong oral foundation in the French language and focus on communicating in French;
  • understand the value of learning another language;
  • develop the skills needed to strengthen traits of resilience and to secure a sense of self, through opportunities to learn adaptive, management, and coping skills,
  • practise communication skills, build relationships and interact positively with others, and to use critical and creative thinking processes.

The ability to speak both of Canada's official languages helps prepare students for their role as active and engaged citizens in today's bilingual and multicultural Canada. Moreover, the language learning strategies that students develop in the FSL program can contribute to an interest in learning languages throughout their lives and provide them with the skills to do so. Such abilities benefit the individual; but Canadian society - as well as the global community - also stands to gain from having plurilingual citizens.*
(The Ontario Curriculum, French as a Second Language, 2013)

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