Evidence of student learning is collected over time from a variety of sources (observations, conversations, and student products). Students will receive multiple opportunities to demonstrate their understanding of the curriculum expectations. Student grades are based upon achievement criteria and meeting the curriculum expectations. Information about Assessment & Evaluation may be found here:
OCDSB Parent Guide to Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting
OCDSB Procedure - Assessment, Evaluation and Reporting of Student Achievement
Ministry of Education - Growing Success
SCHS offers a comprehensive academic program, with high standards that are designed to meet the needs of each individual learner. Emphasis is placed on developing skills that promote continual learning.
In addition to a strong core academic program, a wide variety of elective courses is offered in all subjects, including the Fine Arts, Technology, Business and Computer Studies, and Physical and Health Education, which includes Outdoor Education.
Our Library Learning Commons provides flexible learning spaces for individual, small group, and whole class learning. A rich collection of print material nurtures a love of reading and supports the curriculum. The Virtual Library provides access to ebooks, databases, and online journals and encyclopedias.
Our technology education program embodies the spirit of innovation, progressiveness, and academic excellence, empowering the student with the required skills in Networking and Robotics, Architectural and Technological Design, Green Industries, Manufacturing, Transportation, Communication, and Construction Technology to excel in post-secondary education and the workplace.
Extensive Co-operative Education opportunities afford real-life experiences for our students. SHSM Programs provide students with an opportunity to explore certain areas of study in depth.
Selecting a department at the left will provide you with a general overview of the department and some of their program highlights.
Other courses are available online. More information about online learning is available here.
For a detailed description of individual courses, please refer to the OCDSB Course Guide. Information regarding Course Selection and option sheets is available on the Registration Information page.
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism and the use of AI
Academic integrity is a cornerstone of your educational journey that holds immense importance. It’s about being honest, ethical and responsible in all of your academic endeavors. Many students plagiarize without even knowing that they’re doing it. To get a solid understanding of what plagiarism is and how to avoid it, please review the infographics below.
Please also consult the OCDSB Policy On Academic Honesty
Common Types of Plagiarism
Am I Plagiarizing?
Citing Your Sources
There are many resources to assist you with citing your sources located on the Citing Your Sources tab of the SCHS Library Learning Commons webpage.
Use of AI Generators
AI can be a powerful tool to aid in research, learning and problem-solving, but using it responsibly means giving credit where it’s due, not passing off AI-generated work as your own, and respecting the guidelines set out by your teachers. Please review this infographic to ensure you understand how to use AI responsibly.