Graduation Requirements

Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements

The following requirements must be successfully completed in order to obtain an Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD):

  • 30 credits including 18 compulsory credits and 12 optional credits
  • 40 hours of community involvement
  • Successful completion of the EQAO Ontario Secondary School Literacy Test (OSSLT) or the Ontario Secondary School Literacy Course (OSSLC) 

Compulsory Credits

Students must earn the following 18 compulsory credits to obtain the Ontario Secondary School Diploma:

  • 4 credits in English (1 credit per grade)*
  • 3 credits in Mathematics (1 credit in Grade 11 or 12)
  • 2 credits in Science
  • 1 credit in Canadian History
  • 1 credit in Canadian Geography
  • 1 credit in the Arts
  • 1 credit in Health and Physical Education
  • 1 credit in French as a Second Language
  • 0.5 credit in Career Studies
  • 0.5 credit in Civics 

Plus one credit from each of the following groups:

Group 1: 1 additional credit in English, or French as a Second Language,** or a Native language, or a Classical or an International language, or Social Sciences and the Humanities, or Canadian and World Studies, or Guidance and Career Education, or Cooperative Education***

Group 2: 1 additional credit in Health and Physical Education, or the Arts, or Business Studies, or French as a Second Language,** or Cooperative Education***

Group 3: 1 additional credit in Science (Grade 11 or 12), or Technological Education, or French as a Second Language,** or Computer Studies, or Cooperative Education***

A maximum of 3 credits in English as a second language (ESL) or English Literacy Development (ELD) may be counted towards the 4 compulsory credits in English, but the fourth must be a credit earned for a Grade 12 compulsory English course.

** In groups 1, 2 and 3, a maximum of 2 credits in French as a Second Language can count as compulsory credits, one from group 1 and one from either group 2 or group 3.

*** A maximum of 2 credits in Cooperative Education can count as compulsory credits.

The 12 optional credits may include up to 4 credits earned through approved dual credit courses.

Optional Courses

In addition to the compulsory credits, 12 optional credits are required. Elective credits are selected by the student based on individual interests and goals. Parents, counsellors, teachers and administrators can help the student make a wise selection.

Mandatory eLearning Graduation Requirement and Opt-out Information

Students are required to earn two online learning credits to graduate from secondary school, beginning with every student who entered Grade 9 in the 2020-21 school year. The graduation requirement is intended to support students in developing familiarity and comfort with working and learning in a fully online environment, as well as developing digital literacy and other important transferable skills that will help prepare them for success after graduation and in all aspects of their lives.

Parents/guardians may choose to opt their child out of the mandatory online courses required for graduation. Students age 18 years of age or older or students who are 16 or 17 years of age and have withdrawn from parental control can also opt out of the graduation requirement. School boards must also allow for students and parents/guardians to opt back into the online learning graduation requirement should their decision change. Students who would like to opt-out of this requirement can do so by using the Opt-out Form. Frequently asked questions about the mandatory eLearning requirement and the opt-out process are available on the OCDSB's Ontario Secondary School Diploma Requirements web page.

Ontario Secondary School Certificate Requirements

The following requirements must be successfully completed in order to obtain an Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC):

Earn 14 credits (including 7 compulsory credits):

  • 2 credits in English
  • 1 credit in Canadian Geography or Canadian History
  • 1 credit in Mathematics
  • 1 credit in Science
  • 1 credit in Health and Physical Education
  • 1 credit in the Arts or Technological Education
  • 7 elective credits

Students are not required to complete 40 hours of community involvement.

Students are not required to pass the Ontario Secondary Literacy Test.