
Counsellor Assignments 2024-2025

It is our pleasure to serve our students and parents to enable student success!

Student LastName Counsellor Extension Email Address
Grade 9 & 10 A - J Christine Rochette 2013
Grade 9 & 10 K - Z Becky Geniole 2014
Grade 11 & 12 A - K Mellissa Wright 2016
Grade 11 & 12 L - Z Sheri Eady 2015
Guidance Admin Carolyn Newman 2011
Guidance Admin Jan Smith 2010

Students, make sure to join the Google Classroom for your grade! Check your school email for the invitation.

Book your guidance appointments online!

This year, appointments with SCHS Guidance Counsellors will be available to students via Google Meet, phone or in person. Students are welcome to make an appointment by using the appropriate link below. A Guidance Counsellor is also available each lunch hour to help answer any questions.  

PLEASE REMEMBER: For personal or time sensitive matters, please stop by the Guidance Office any time during the school day.

Book an appointment with Ms. Eady button
Book an appointment with Ms. Geniole button
Book an appointment with Ms. Rochette button
Book an appointment with Ms. Wright button

Course Change Request Form

The role of the Guidance staff is to help answer student questions and explore alternatives to educational, career and personal concerns. They are a source of assistance and information in the following areas.

Educational Counselling

  • selecting high school courses
  • addressing timetable concerns
  • dealing with difficulties in learning, studying or organizing time
  • working with students, their parents and teachers to develop an educational plan
  • considering educational opportunities after high school
  • finding information on further education
  • completing the college or university application process
  • finding out about financial assistance and scholarships

Career Counselling

  • exploring possible career areas through the use of interest inventory surveys and print material
  • using work experience and job shadowing to further firsthand knowledge of the world of work
  • developing resumes and job search skills

Personal Counselling

  • learning more about yourself and others
  • dealing with personal concerns
  • talking over difficult situations and finding alternative solutions
  • referring to community services as required