All students in Ontario are required to complete a minimum of 40 hours of community involvement as part of the secondary school diploma requirements. The OCDSB's Community Involvement Hours website offers insight into the purpose behind this requirement.
Community Involvement hours must fall into one of these categories:
- Not-for-profit: includes voluntary activities for any not-for-profit institution or foundation that would not displace a paid worker.
- For-profit: includes voluntary activities that are charitable-based for any business or organization that would not displace a paid worker. If volunteers are enhancing a product/service being sold/provided by a for-profit business designed to make it more attractive and/or a better experience for clients, then it is not in keeping with the spirit of community service and would not be an approved activity.
- Other: community support that you feel warrants consideration. In this case, please submit a brief written summary that explains how this experience meets the spirit and expectations of community involvement.
Please contact your Guidance Counsellor or Ms. Young if you are considering any of the activities that would fall into the second or third category.
OCDSB Guidelines For Community Involvement
Students are encouraged to complete their volunteer hours early in their high school career. Students are even able to start accumulating community involvement hours in the summer before they enter grade 9.
For those looking for ideas, check the postings on the community service bulletin board located outside of the Guidance Office.
Submit your Community Involvement Hours Log Sheet to Ms. Montanaro in Guidance.