Register at SCHS

Students New to the Ottawa-Carleton District School Board

Students new to the OCDSB who wish to register at South Carleton must complete the online registration form. Please read the Online Registration Parent Process carefully. You must also complete one of the following forms:

For a description of the courses being offered at South Carleton next year, go to South Carleton's Student Course Guide.

Please email Bonnie Fiarchuk for more information regarding registration. These documents may be required to register:

✔ Proof of Age/Birthdate Verification – ONE of the following:

  • Birth Certificate (if born in Canada)
  • Passport
  • Immigration Papers
  • Canadian Citizenship (if born outside of Canada)

✔  Proof of Address within the South Carleton High School boundaries – TWO of the following:

  • Purchase agreement, property deed or rental agreement
  • Property tax bill
  • Current bank statement
  • Current utility bill
  • Current telephone, cable or internet bill

✔  Most recent report card - Grade 9

✔  Ontario Student Transcript or Credit Counselling Summary - Grades 10-12    

Additional Resources

South Carleton offers a wide variety of courses in all subjects. Informed course selection is key to being prepared for life after high school, whether that includes work, apprenticeship in a trade, college, or university. Further information regarding course selection and the programs available at South Carleton may be found on the Grade 9-12 Course Selection page under Additional Resources.