Library Learning Commons

Find Books!

Use the Alexandria Researcher to search for books in the SCHS library catalogue.

Alexandria Researcher

Is there a book you would like us to add to the Library collection? Fill in the Book Request form and we'll add it to our wishlist.

Book Request Form

New Books!

We are constantly adding new books to our collection. Click the link below to see our most recent additions! 

  • Click on any book cover for more information.
  • Use the arrow at the bottom of the screen to scroll to the next window.

Link to new books

Welcome to the Library Learning Commons!

Library Staff

Teacher-Librarians: Ms. McHale, Ms. Dobbin

Library Technician: Mrs Donovan

The LLC is a place where students can access the resources they need and use them in a comfortable, inviting environment to support their learning. From the Oasis where students can eat lunch or snacks, to co-operative learning spaces where students can work together with the aid of a whiteboard or smart TV,  to our makerspace featuring ergonomic tables and supplies for completing hands-on projects, the Library Learning Commons has something for everyone.

Join the Library Google Classroom to stay up-to-date on all Library activities.

Stop by to see our show-stopping circulation desk made from upcycled books by our own students!

Library counter

The Library Learning Commons provides:

  • A collection of over 12,000 books, in both French and English
  • The Virtual Library, including databases, online encyclopedias, video streaming services, and more!
  • Computers for student use, including Chromebooks for library use and a limited number which can be signed out for the school day or to take home overnight
  • Photocopier/printer
  • Colour printing
  • Markers, pencil crayons, glue, scissors, etc.
  • Leisure activities: chess, cards, Bananagrams

Borrowing Policy

  • Books are available for a 3-week loan period and may be renewed, provided no one else has reserved the book.
  • Students are expected to return all library materials by the due date.
  • Students are responsible for lost or damaged material.
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