There are many sources for ebooks and audiobooks. Some are free, and some we have bought or have paid subscriptions which require a password to access.
Of course, the Ottawa Public Library is also a terrific resource for both ebooks and audiobooks!
Password Required eBooks

EbscoHost ebook collections

Critical Insights: Dystopia, Critical Insights: Contemporary Canadian Fiction, Milestone Documents in World History, and Pandemics.

eBooks and audio books available through the VLE or Sora app. Quick Start Guide.
Free Audiobooks
- Digital Book - offers a wide range of titles and genres in many different languages
- Learn Out Loud - Download or stream thousands of free audiobooks from many online sources
- Open Culture - Hundreds of free audiobooks, mostly classics
Free eBooks
- Book Bub - limited time offers on current ebooks from many genres
- Digital Book - offers a wide range of titles and genres
- Faded Page - an archive of free ebooks
- Open Culture - hundreds of free ebooks, including fiction, poetry and non-fiction