
Business Certificates

Business Studies (6 credits)
Awarded to students who successfully complete the sequence of 6 credits at the University, College or Open Level.

Business Studies (8 credits)
Awarded to students who successfully complete the sequence of 8 credits at the Workplace Level.

French Certificates

Extended French Certificate:  Awarded to students who successfully accumulate 7 credits in French: 4 French as a second language (FSL) courses and 3 other subjects in which French is the language of instruction.

French Immersion Certificate: Awarded to students who successfully accumulate 10 credits in French: 4 French as a second language (FSL) courses and 6 other subjects in which the language of instruction is French.

Core French: Awarded to students who successfully accumulate 4 credits in Core French including Grade 12.

Technology Studies

(8 credits) Awarded to students who successfully complete the sequence of 8 credits in Technology Studies (all courses T and I codes).

International Certificate Program

Advisors: Ms. Jen Pattison, Mr. Bryan Parnell

The OCDSB International Certificate Program is designed to recognize and honour students who demonstrate a commitment to being motivated, engaged, and active global citizens. Participants earn the certificate by:

  • Studying an international language
  • Taking internationally-focused classes
  • Understanding global issues
  • Participating in an internationally focused project of their choice
  • And much more!

Visit the OCDSB's International Certificate Program website for detailed information, or speak to Ms. Pattison or Mr. Dales.

Honour Roll

Grade 9 & 10:  80% average based on their best 8 courses taken during the school year at South Carleton.

Grade 11: 80% average based on their best 7 courses taken during the school year at South Carleton.

Grade 12: 80% average based on their best 6 courses taken during the school year at South Carleton.

Ontario Secondary School Certificate (OSSC)

The Ontario Secondary School Certificate will be granted on request to students who leave school before earning the Ontario Secondary School Diploma provided they have earned a minimum of 14 credits distributed as follows:

Compulsory credits (total of 7)

2 credits in English
1 credit in Canadian Geography or Canadian History
1 credit in Mathematics
1 credit in Science
1 credit in Health and Physical Education
1 credit in the Arts or Technological Education

Optional credits (total of 7)

7 credits selected by the student from available courses

Ontario Scholars

Overall average of 6 grade 12 courses taken any year at 80%.

Silver Medal

The OCDSB Silver Medal is awarded to students achieving an average of 90% or over in each of their secondary years as follows:

In grades 9, 10 and 11 the courses (8 in grade 9 and 10; 7 in grade 11) used to calculate the Silver Medal awards could be at any grade level (e.g., a grade 10 student could be taking seven grade 10 courses and one grade 11 course).  Courses may only be counted once towards a Silver Medal Award.  Summer School courses are not counted.

For the Grade 12 Silver Medal Award, the 6 courses must be taken at the Grade 12 level but need not be taken during the grade 12 year (a grade 12 credit from the previous year could be used if not previously counted for a Silver Medal award).