Our School
At South Carleton High School, we take pride in knowing that our school is recognized as a caring, community school. Our team of students, staff, parents and community promotes an inclusive and welcoming environment. We respect the individual, honour our traditions, encourage daily excellence, and prepare students for their future.
Our learning environment is grounded in a strong academic program. Excellent core programs in language, social science, math, science and technology, coupled with extensive program choices in the fine arts, physical and outdoor education, and business studies create a comprehensive learning environment for our students.
A major focus is in the preparation of students for post‐secondary study and the world of work; thus, the development of superior numeracy and literacy skills is an emphasis throughout our program. Our co‐operative education program provides many of our students the opportunities to experience real‐life workplace learning that supports their academic program.
The SCHS athletic and extracurricular programs have been integral parts of the school for over sixty years. Our Storm logo represents the energy and enthusiasm of staff and students at SCHS. “Storm” and True Sport is proudly displayed on the team jerseys of over 28 interscholastic teams that will be part of the school this year.
Our Students
The student enrolment of 1545, including 388 Grade 9 students, is among the larger of the schools in the OCDSB. The SCHS attendance boundaries cover a major section of the southern part of the Ottawa Carleton District School Board. Students come from Stittsville, Riverside South, Half Moon Bay, Manotick, North Gower, Kars, Ashton, Munster, Richmond, and the surrounding areas. Our feeder schools include A. Lorne Cassidy E. S., Cedarview M.S., Goulbourn M.S., Half Moon Bay P.S., Kars on the Rideau P.S., Steve Maclean P.S. and Westwind P.S. Our students reflect a unique blend of suburban and rural families. We value the diverse backgrounds of our student body which enrich our school. Upon graduation, the majority of our students attend university or college across Canada.
Our Staff
The SCHS Team strives to provide the best educational environment for all students. Our team of over 100 members includes teachers, administrative staff, technicians, two vice‐principals, custodians and educational assistants. We are supported by the services of a social worker, a psychologist, and a Rideauwood counsellor. Members of our School Council are considered to be an integral part of the SCHS team. Our devoted staff is proud of the rich heritage of our school and the suburban/rural community in which we live.
Our Community
Our community is active in, and supportive of, our school. Parents and OCRI volunteers coach teams, supervise field trips and support many of our school activities.
Our School Council displays an active interest in the development of our school facilities and programs. The organization has grown in membership to provide us with a representative sample of our community. Our School Council meetings are held on the first Tuesday of every second month and we welcome all to attend and provide input to contribute to their child’s education and the school community.
We have active partnerships with several community organizations, including the Royal Canadian Legion and Rural Ottawa South Support Services. The local Metro grocery store is a strong supporter of our Breakfast Club. Our Band students perform at many community events, and our Green Team organizes cleanup days in the community.
Mission Statement
South Carleton High School is a caring, community school. Our team of staff, students, parents and community promote a sharing, inclusive and welcoming environment. We respect the individual, honour our traditions, encourage daily excellence, and prepare students for their future.
Recently, a parent of a graduate commented: “In speaking with my son – who is away at university – over the past few weeks I have acquired a better comprehension of the level of education provided by South. He has made the statement on more than one occasion how well prepared he is as a result of the style and substance of the teachers at South Carleton.” Recently, a parent of a Grade 9 student commented: “Now every day when my son calls me to say he is home and I ask how his day was I get the same response. IT WAS GREAT. I don't know just when the miracle happened, but we are both so grateful.”
Facilities and Resources
SCHS has more than sixty years of innovation and excellence in education. This is reflected in the on‐going initiatives at the school. Facility features include:
- Computer labs supporting Computer Science, CommTech, and Technological Design classes
- Library Learning Commons provides both print and electronic resources in a comfortable, inviting environment
- Athletic facilities include three gymnasia, weight room, spinning facility and numerous outdoor fields
- Art, music and dance studios
- Practice kitchens
- Renovated science labs and greenhouse
- Outdoor Education room
- Five technology shops
Programs and Services
Academic Programs
In addition to offering a comprehensive program in English, Math, the Sciences, Canadian and World Studies and the Humanities, South Carleton H.S. also offers:
- French Immersion
- Extensive fine arts including visual arts, photography, media studies, instrumental music, dramatic arts and dance
- Physical education programs which include outdoor education, male athletics, female athletics, fitness, exercise science and co‐educational classes
- Technological studies which include construction, computer engineering, communications, manufacturing, transportation and house building
- Family studies incorporates the operation of a community play group three days per week as part of the program
- Foods program features well-equipped kitchens
- Co‐operative education, including house construction, and the Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (O.Y.A.P)
- The Canadian and World Studies department has developed a skills continuum from Grade 9 to Grade 12 focusing on critical thinking and communication skills for both college and university bound students. This practice will soon be adopted by all departments in the school.
- Leadership/ Peer Mentoring
- LINK Crew, a grade nine transition program, where senior students mentor Grade 9’s
- Digital Photography which boasts a portrait studio
- Dual Credit Program with Algonquin College in English
- Specialist High Skills Majors in six areas: Manufacturing, Construction, Health and Wellness, Transportation, and Information & Communications Technology.
Classroom Organization
SCHS is a community school that offers a comprehensive program from Grade 9 through to Grade 12. Our school operates on a semester system with students taking up to four courses each semester. Courses are offered at the academic, applied, and open levels in Grades 9 and 10. In Grades 11 and 12, courses are offered at the university, college, university/college and open levels. In-class instruction is enhanced in many of our programs by the use of technology and out of class field trips that include local, national and international experiences. A wide variety of guest speakers regularly present to our classes enhancing the learning experience for all students.
Special Education and ESL Programs
Support for students identified as having special learning needs is provided by our Learning Support Teachers, teaching staff and Education Assistants. The nature of the support is determined by individual needs. Staff in our Resource Centre are recognized for their expertise and commitment, having considerable experience in the area of special education. We also have a Student Learning Centre with e‐learning and independent study courses, and conferencing rooms for community and students.
Clubs and Activities
SCHS has a wide variety of co‐curricular activities including: Students’ Council, Intramural Sports, Interscholastic Sports, Band, Drama Club, Debate Club, Tech Crew, Rainbow Alliance, and the Yearbook Club. An emphasis for student groups has been contributing to the community through fundraising and volunteering. Highlights this year include: SCHS Leadership Camp, Sports-a-Thon, Dance Shows, dramatic presentations, music nights featuring students in our music program and Coffee Houses.